Hair Transplant Surgery


The Advanved FUE hair transplantation begins with the treatment plan. The receiving area is marked and then a calculation is made of the number of grafts needed for this area (Grafts are the basic transferred units of hair roots which are taken from the back of the head and above each ear. Grafts may contain single, double or triple hair follicles with some skin and subcutaneous tissue).

Local anesthesia

Local anesthesia
He head is cooled and numbed with narcotic ether. As a result  the skin will be less sensitive, to allow a local anesthesia to be administered fairly painlessly. The effect of the local anesthesia lasts about 12-14 hours.Depending upon the number of grafts, the intervention will take approximately 4-7 hours. During the extraction of the grafts, you will lie on your stomach or side. During the transplantation period, you will lie on your back or assume a half-seated position.

The stages of the Advanved FUE hair transplantation technique





1- Extracting the grafts from the donor area: 

  • The grafts will be taken using a micro motor
  • The hair roots are easily visible with an eye microscope (3X magnification).
  • First, a micro-tip with a diameter of 0.8 mm is used to obtain hair grafts containing double or triple hair follicles.
  • Later, still thinner micro tips (0,6-0.7 mm) will be used to remove grafts containing single hair follicles.

The holes in the donor area are fairly small, as a result there will be no scaring in this area and the wounds will heal very rapidly.

2- Counting and arranging the grafts:
This is done simultaneously with the removal of the grafts. A member of the team will be responsible for this.
The grafts will be arranged as single, double or triple hair-follicle grafts and counted.
The extraction and arrangement of the grafts will end simultaneously.
After this phase, there will be a small break of 5-10 minutes for refreshments and other needs.

Arranging the grafts (single hair-follicle grafts).

3- Placing grafts into Implanter Pen by nurses:
Our implanter pen has 0,5mm – 0,7mm – 1,0mm – 1,2mm needles for single, double, triple and more hair grafts.
Nurses stasts to placing grafts with suitable pen and give the pen to doctor.
4- Planting (placing) the grafts:
The doctor implant the grafts by pressing the button top of the pen
It is very easyto  place grafts in the proper direction & angle with implenter pen.
Also smaller needle gives an ability to place grafts between natural hairs without harming them.
Our goal is for 100% of the transplanted hairs to live and grow.
Survival of the grafts (the holding of the grafts in the receiving area) requires the blood circulation (nourishment) in the scalp to be very healthy. The holes should be made very tight and the grafts transplanted in a manner that will activate their nourishment, ensuring a healthy blood circulation. This is a technique that experienced hair transplant teams, such as ours, use.

The grafts and transplanted hairs become integrated after 3-4 months in the receiving area. If necessary, the density can be increased by transplanting new grafts between them.

Placing the grafts.
The Advanved FUE application is, as we have shown above, a very sensitive method that requires technical knowledge, experienced surgeons, and a skilled medical team. The Advanved FUE hair restoration method is a fairly safe procedure when undertaken by specialists with extensive experience with FUT and FUE techniques.